Are You Impressed

Our Mission
Immerse Yourself
Upon high school graduation, SCHOOL TO WORK TRANSITION prepares young adults with life skills needed to be successful in their future endeavors; no matter their educational limitations.

All About Us
A Truly Unique Community Service Program
Being an Outstanding Community Leader was a part of a new era for Spartanburg County, South Carolina which is the home of BMW North America Manufacturing Plant. Twenty-five (25) yrs ago an innovative, motivated, native of the area was hired by Spartanburg City School District 7 to develop a curriculum for perceived limited skills of school students of special classes for grades 9 through 12 for the entire City of Spartanburg.
Peggy "PJ" Jarmon, community extraordinaire became that individual without knowing what expected outcome could be measured. Fact is the JOB was to be created and most of all produce outstanding positive results for students staying in school and maintaining the course of action through grades 9, 10, 11 and 12; ultimately - GRADUATION!!!!
Peggy's diligence, commitment, and genuine love for the students (to lovingly correct them when they were wrong) and their love for her resulted in School District Seven (7) JOB COACH Program being documented as the best in the nation. The number one (1) GOAL, was to help EDUCATION make sense by marrying English, Math, History & Science to inborn career areas of each child. This would produce a highly productive human being with ongoing job skills upon high school graduation which they carried into the world of WORK.
Achieving this GOAL involved the community employers responding to Ms Jarmon and her request for them hiring her students upon her recommendation; community center directors providing after school space for her volunteered community people to implement extra training for students after school, such as activities encouraging self-discipline in behavior on a job conversation skills - including the HOW TO'S of a job interview exhibition fashions - dressing for success in community mall taking care of needs for truly disadvantaged students - allowing them to live with her because their home life was not conducive for their success; individuals now hold positions with companies in the area. The key ELEMENTS for students in this category were LOVE, MOTIVATION, INSTRUCTION and MONITORING some of them on the job at 3:00 AM by Ms. Jarmon.
Many of the students from the mentioned years above, who now have their own families, still have a very close bond with the Lady they affectionately call, "MS PEGGY". She retired from the City School System which spanned 1992 - 2017; but not from the community.
Now, helping young adults with education on homeownership, how to start and maintain a small business, and how to become stronger in GENERAL LIFE SKILLS for LIVING THEIR BEST LIFE continues to be her MISSION IN THE COMMUNITY.
Promoting Personal Growth
This program is fine-tuned to match the goals and expectations of each participant. We put a lot of time and effort into preparing to ensure an enjoyable and rewarding experience for everyone.